Daniel Wolf-Watz är doktor i kulturgeografi och har i forskning och undervisning kretsat kring former av natursyn och människans relationer till platser och landskap. För tillfället är Daniel involverad i den nationalparksprocess som rör södra Jämtlandsfjällen.
Bronwyn Bailey-Charteris is a Swedish/Australian curator, writer and lecturer based in Stockholm. Bronwyn is a current Ph.D. student at the department of Art +Design at the University of New South Wales researching water and art in her thesis entitled ‘Swallowing the Hydrocene: Watery thinking for artistic ‘response-ability’ to the current climate crisis’.
She is also the leader of Researcher Collaborations at Accelerator at Stockholm University and was previously Curator at Index – The Swedish Contemporary Arts Foundation. She also sits on the Editorial Board for the international arts journal, Oberon.
Research interests are focused upon processes of ecology in contemporary art, water as social metaphor and feminist methodologies. Working with practical learning platforms, artistic research, publications, and exhibitions, she works internationally as a curator and lecturer.